Thursday, September 20, 2012

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Use this link to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, New York. Browse some of the highlights of their art collection and record the name of 5 favorite pieces that you find.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Peer Editing Tutorial

Click on this link to open the tutorial. A white box will pop up on your screen. Click on the word "open" (first option of the three).  Follow along with your worksheets as you complete the tutorial.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Subjects and Predicates

1. Play this Jeopardy game with a partner. Do not play with the pronouns column, but you may use the fact and opinion column. When it is your turn, choose a topic and point amount. Read the question out loud to your partner then say what you think the answer is out loud. Your partner then clicks on "Correct Answer". If you got the answer correct, add that amount of points to your total score at the bottom of the screen. If you did NOT get the question correct, subtract that number of points from your total points.

Once you have completed all of the columns except for the pronouns column, record each player's score in the upper left hand corner of your worksheet.

2. Then complete the worksheet on your own.