Monday, December 16, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Explore Colonial America

1. Take the "Fantastic Voyage"
*Record your results on your worksheet.

2. Now take this quiz and tell me what type of immigrant you would be. (You'll find what type of immigrant you are in the first sentence of results page at the end. It said I'd be an "Imminent Immigrant".)
        Would You have Survived in the Colony?

3. Now take some tours of what colonial America might've looked like and record 3 thing that surprised you that you saw.
        Panoramic Tours of Colonial America

If you have extra time, you may explore other features on this site that weren’t assigned above.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jamestown Adventure

Play the Jamestown Adventure

*Use the headphones because the game has sound effects.
*At the end of the game, when you get the evaluation of your decisions (see sample below), click "Print This" and retrieve your results from the printer. (Pay careful attention to what your results are in case more than one student is printing at the same time.)
*If you have extra time, you may play again to see if you can improve your results.
*All results will be turned in at the end of class.