Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Million Dollar Project

Congratulations! You have been notified you won $1,000,000. You can spend the money almost anyway you choose. There are a few things you are required to purchase, but you will have money left over to spend freely. The goal is to get as close to the $1,000,000 mark as you can! Below you will find a checklist of the items you must purchase and a specific outline for what you need to have as a final product. 

ITEMIZED BUDGET TRACKING SHEET: You must include a specific budget as you spend your money. You will begin with $1,000,000 and subtract your money as you spend it. This is an EXAMPLE on how to complete your tracking sheet.


_____ ONE new house (between $185,000 - $350,000) Research various homes in location that you would like to live (TX). Find the home that you feel is PERFECT for you! You may look up the Zipcode of city where you want to live in here!  
These are the approved webpages you may use:

_____ ONE vehicle (between $32,000 - $60,999) Using dealership sites, find a car or vehicle that is to your liking!
These are the approved websites you may use: 

_____ College Savings Account (between $81,000 - $115,000). 

_____ Make ONE charitable donation (no more than $100,000). Remember that friends, family, and pets do not qualify as a charity. Find a charity that means something to you.

_______ Now spend the rest however you want. Use Google Shopping to search for prices on what you want to purchase. You may only purchase up to three (3) of the same item.  Happy shopping!

* You many NOT go over budget ($1,000,000)
* You do not need to factor in tax.
* You must purchase at least 10 items (of varying prices).
* You must allocate money for the required items: Home, Vehicle, College Savings, Give to a Charity of your choice.
* You may NOT work with a partner.