Monday, May 25, 2015

Menu Math

You’re hungry. A generous individual gives you $50 and tells you to spend as much of the money as possible on your perfect meal in Brownsburg. You can get food from any restaurant that you’d like, but do not forget that at the end of the meal, you’ll have to add a 6% tax to your total. In addition to that, you’ll need to tip your server. 18% of the total cost of your meal is the standard tipping amount in the United States. You must leave your server at least this much. 

Be careful to stay within your budget. Be careful to line up your decimals to make sure you’re adding and subtracting correctly. Be sure to leave enough at the end to pay the tax and tip your server. Complete this in pencil. You never know when you’ll need to subtract something from your order because you don’t have enough money.

Dawson's Too Menu

Boulder Creek Menu

Los Toros Menu

So Italian Menu